Home » Quick and simple puff pastry smoked salmon and feta cheese quiche

Quick and simple puff pastry smoked salmon and feta cheese quiche

by Dina

Over the Christmas holidays we invited some friends over for a Christmas brunch. Let me be honest here, I don’t personally understand brunch-or at least my brain doesn’t- because you don’t have breakfast in order to have brunch but then when you finish brunching you brain doesn’t register that you had breakfast and lunch together so you find yourself thinking about lunch! Am I the only one facing this dilemma every time I have brunch? What is happening dear brain or shall I say…dear stomach??

This quiche is simple-way to simple- and cheap and unbelievably quick. So you understand my excitement making this when I had myriad other things to prepare, other Christmas bakes and foods to prepare and cook and two girls asking for my attention for the millionth time! Did I introduced myself by the way? My name is not Dina but mummy-mummy-mummy-mummy-mummy-mummy-mummy-mummy-mummy!!! OK, rant over back to the recipe now!

So for this quiche you can use ingredients you already have in your fridge or freezer. Puff pastry is one. It has a long shelf life and most importantly it can be frozen. Smoked salmon is another one. This quiche can be your breakfast, lunch,dinner or just a part of a dinner party. My guests loved it and what was really surprising my 20 month girl loved it too. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for my 5 year old as she doesn’t like fish. Are you ready then for a bit of cooking? Well it’s not cooking really is just preparing and then doing a bit of baking ha! Your welcome! (Maui, 2016, Moana).


Right,let’s get baking my darlings!


1 sheet puff pastry-thawed but cooled

4 eggs

1 cup whole fat milk

1tsp salt

2tsp pepper

50gr smoked salmon

150gr feta cheese

4 spring onions finely chopped

2 tbsp chopped dill


Step 1

Pre heat the oven at 180°.

Step 2

Trim the puff pastry in a round shape and place in a tart tin or just a rounded shallow pan.

With a fork, prick the pastry to avoid rising.

Blind bake it for 10 minutes. (This involves placing some parchment paper or foil on top of the pastry and weighting it down with some beans or pie weights). Remove the parchment paper and pie weights or beans and continue baking for 5 more minutes. Let it cool for 15 minutes.

Step 3

In a bowl, beat the eggs,salt,pepper and milk.

Step 4

After the puff pastry has cooled, pour in the egg and milk mixture carefully. Add the shredded salmon, crumble the feta and sprinkle the chopped spring onions and finely chopped dill.

Step 5

Bake for 40 minutes or until the quiche has baked thoroughly.

♥ As you can see this is a very easy recipe with minimal steps to follow and also minimal effort. If you are not very fond of feta cheese you can replace it with some goats cheese or any other white crumbly cheese you like.

My one big tip with this recipe is to use cold puff pastry. This is always very important to remember when using puff pasty for a recipe because cold puff pastry means the butter won’t melt as fast when baking so you get better puffiness and crispiness.





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